Neptune Vasilias

This is my own depiction of RWBY's Neptune Vasilias, and only uses parts of what we know about Neptune in canon. Everything else is made up by me.

Basic Information

Name: Neptune VasiliasGender: MaleRace: HumanNicknames: Nep, Neppy, Squirtle, Vaporeon, Waterboy, Angelfish, Sea Prince, Blueberry, Blue Boy, Blue, Goggles, Gogglehead.Age(s): 18 (Volumes 1-3), 19 (Volumes 4-6), 20 (Volumes 7-)Height: 6'3"Complexion: Tan WhiteHair Color: Light Blue (yes, it's natural)Eye Color: Atlantic blueHandedness: RightDate of Birth: December 6Birthplace: Argus, Mistral, AnimaOrientation: BisexualOccupation: HuntsmanAffiliations: Sanctum Academy, Haven Academy, Shade Academy (Transfer from Haven Academy, current)Team: SSSN (Sun Wukong, Sage Ayana, Scarlet David, Neptune Vasilias)

Combat Information

Semblance: Go With The Flow, his semblance is essentially water bending from Avatar: The Last Airbender, but he cannot control water protected by aura. By default, this semblance is locked, and your character shouldn't know about this unless they are from the future or something I guess.
Weapon: Tri-Hard 2.0, Neptune's weapon has a resting, safe state with 4 buttons on it in this stage, with 3 buttons being for the different forms the weapon can take, and a power button. The first, and most common state is his railgun, which charges and fires orbs of electricity. The second state he uses is actually the guandao state that is in the weapon. Despite what some people have seen, this is his second most used state, and he can 'electrify' his blade. Then of course, his Trident state is his 3rd, where he can charge up a ball of electricity in the palm of the trident, and then throw it like his weapon is a lacrosse stick. Upon his weapons changing forms, his on/off switch is able to change into the 'shock or charge' button instead. Since he's been using this for years, the amount of buttons doesn't phase him, but it might be hard for someone who hasn't used his weapon before.
The original Tri-Hard was a prototype his father rejected after making it due to its complexity and all the moving parts in the weapon meaning it was high maintenance. A young Neptune was attached to the weapon though, with the codename T-3HD. It was named this way because the T represents the main form it has (trident), 3 represents the amount of other weaponized forms it has, H representing that it's capable of generating its own electrical power, and the D representing that it does also take dust input. From the weird naming scheme his parents had, he called it Tri-Hard because he thought it was funny, but his parents actually called the weapon Trinity for a little bit (until he started calling it Tri-Hard) due to the 3 weaponized forms it had. His parents didn't realize the joke there was in the code name until it was pointed out to them.
Aura Color: Light blue, almost like blue raspberry packaging.

Neptune's Story

Hoseki Bay, Mistral, 6 years before Volume 1.The day, had been a normal one, not much signs of anything going on. The high tide was receding as it had just come to an end for the day. Lifeguards, who are trained huntsmen and huntresses, were out as the ocean breeze blew. It was a really nice day, and more importantly it was a week before the Argus School System started their classes back up for the Fall, so Neptune was going to use every single moment of it he could. Of course, as always, things couldn't go to plan, seeing how the tide was receding, a rip current had formed, and it just so happened that Neptune had gotten caught up in it. He knew to not resist the current, thanks to lessons from his father, Saturn, on swimming out in the ocean.Of course, it wasn't on purpose, but Neptune had actually ended up a decent ways out because of this current, and such a small little guy so far out in the ocean was bound to catch the attention of one of the lifeguards, which to nobody's surprise, it did. With a sigh, due to the fact they actually had to do their job instead of stuff more akin to Baywatch, the guard would make the swim out to the blue haired boy. Upon getting into speaking distance of him, the lifeguard decided to speak with the boy. "Hey there, little guy! How'd you get out here?" He'd ask, still closing in on Neptune, who would kindly respond to the man."I got pulled out here! By the wa-!" Before he could even finish speaking, he was yanked into the water seemingly, and indeed he was. A creature, black, no bigger than a regular octopus had both of Neptune's legs in its tentacles! It's a good thing he had his gold goggles on, so that he could see it underwater! He didn't even get a proper breath in, and he took in some water, so the blue haired male was already not doing well. He would begin to struggle against the creature that was taking him further out into the bay. He could hear the board of the lifeguard's hitting the rolling tides, still hot on his heels, but it became clear to the young man that he was going to have to do something. So he bent over to start trying to pry the thing off of his legs, which only worked... a little bit, he got one leg free, and began to try and swim to the surface, to get some air, but swim as hard as he wanted, the water creature was better than him at swimming. Not only that, his air supply was out.With his final moments of consciousness, he'd see where the thing was taking him. It was a white and black Grimm, shaped like a serpent. There were crescent, glowing red things on its body. Who knew such terrifying things lived in the ocean, rivers, lakes.The now passed out Neptune did just enough to disturb that smaller Grimm, enough to allow that lifeguard giving chase to catch him and yank him out of the water, and reveal that Grimm on his leg. This, would be known as a Lurker, a strong swimmer, yet it had no killing abilities other than drowning. They tended to stay close to Sea Feilongs, and when they were removed from the water, they'd let out this blood curdling screech to alert the Feilong of such a thing happening. So this screech would be let out, and out of the water would come the serpent. Without water, the smaller Grimm faded away, seeing how it needed it to survive, and it can't handle short periods of time without it. The lifeguard booked it.By the time Neptune awoke from his state of being knocked out, he was in a medical tent, soaking wet while he could see that the Feilong was in fact still up and figting, yet was being attacked by huntsmen. His chest was very hurt from the CPR they apparently gave him, but thankfully he was safe, with his parents Saturn and Ops immediately hugging onto him, letting tears fall down their cheeks as they did so.He was oh so happy to be on land again, and he was just as happy as his parents in that regard. "You're okay!" His mom said as she hugged on. His younger brother was just as happy, but was also simply watching the Huntsmen deal with the Grimm, not really as amazed at the bravery being displayed by them as Neptune was. Of course, he couldn't sit up because of the CPR performed on him injuring him a little bit, but still, he saw this, and just knew it was his calling.He knew he just had to be a huntsman when he grew up, and he knew just the friend of his who could maybe help him get caught up.


  • Neptune's family owned a weapon smithing business. Neptune would become proficient in building and maintaining weapons through this. Due to his parents offering free apprenticeships to huntsmen in training, it can be widely assumed that any huntsman or huntress from Argus probably has had some run in with the Vasilias Smithing business.

  • Pyrrha and Neptune were friends in childhood, before Pyrrha got big and moved to Vale to attend higher level huntsmen academies. They still talked through scroll messaging every now and then, but due to Pyrrha's schedule never could meet each other again until the 40th Vytal Festival. (optional for Pyrrhas who come across this).

  • Leo offered to pay for Sun Wukong to move to Mistral from Vacuo and attend Mistral's own Primary Combat schools (optional hc). Upon meeting each other, the two almost instantly became friends.

  • Neptune, during volume 1, was a sophomore at Haven, not a freshman.

  • Neptune is a straight A student, despite what his personality (and teammates) may foretell. He is never late, and is a chronic rule follower whenever he is not around Sun Wukong.

  • Flirting is also seen to him as a way to start conversations. It's really hard sometimes to tell what his goal is, as he also uses it to try and fluster people and get answers. He may also just genuinely think you're cute. It varies.

  • He is not a party goer. When his teammates go out to parties, he uses the time to self reflect... or he'll go out.

  • He enjoys cooking, and thankfully this is something he can do anywhere. Mistrali cuisine are his favorite foods to cook.

  • He is bisexual with no lean. Nobody is safe.

  • He and his brother have never gotten along. Even before the beach stuff.